by Queen Muse  

Black people already know that white privilege exists. We know this because we observe it every day on our jobs, in our schools, and sometimes even while simply trying to get a good table at a restaurant. We also know that police brutality and discrimination are real issues that disproportionately affect people of color. We know this because research data says so, but more importantly because we serve as first hand witnesses when we live through these unjust experiences, every single day.

So, this week, when liberal white Americans began tweeting about crimes that they’d purportedly committed and gotten away with using the hashtag #CrimingWhileWhite, many black Americans were not at all surprised, nor did we feel the stories in any way gave legitimacy to our longtime arguments about inequalities in the justice system. Rather, many black Americans like myself felt saddened that our cries of injustice were evidently still not enough to warrant mainstream acknowledgement on their own.

More often than not, when a black person talks about a white person getting away with a crime due to white privilege, he or she is immediately accused of ‘reverse racism.’ When a white person does the same, the effort is lauded by every news network in existence as a “brave show of solidarity.”

While I can appreciate that #CrimingWhileWhite was likely created with good intentions in mind, there are several reasons why I believe that the counter hashtag #AliveWhileBlack is much more important.

The #AliveWhileBlack hashtag was created by Ebony Magazine’s Senior Digital Editor, Jamilah Lemieux who said she learned about #CrimingWhileWhite and felt she had to create a counter narrative.

“I felt like the #CrimingWhileWhite hashtag started from a good place, but it was kind of annoying for black people to see, over and over again, that there’s a different standard of treatment for whites. And the timing of it was painful,” Lemieux said.

The #CrimingWhileWhite hashtag was created on Wednesday shortly after a grand jury announced its decision not to indict an NYPD police officer responsible for the caught-on-camera chokehold death of 43-year-old father of three, Eric Garner. Lemieux launched #AliveWhileBlack early Thursday.

In addition to the Twitter meme being untimely, #CrimingWhileWhite reinforces the idea that messages, in general, are more readily received by the masses when presented by a white person.

“It’s easy for people to believe that what happened to Eric Garner and Mike Brown exists in a vacuum,” Lemieux said. “People sometimes dismiss the truth coming from black people and only believe it coming from white folks.”

The protests that are being held all over the country are being organized by people who feel they have no voice; that if they want to share a message about an injustice, no one will hear them unless they “die-in”, sing, or march in protest. That is why it is extremely important that we create opportunities for the stories of black people to be heard so that we can teach the nation–and the world–to acknowledge black voices on their own merit, and without the need for a stamp of legitimacy from whites.

So, thanks but no thanks #CrimingWhileWhite, because we simply must fight some parts of this battle for ourselves and by ourselves.


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QueenMuseQueen Muse is a freelance writer whose passion for journalism is inspired by the interesting lives of everyday people. Her stories have been featured in numerous publications, including For Harriet, the Philadelphia Daily News, the Philadelphia Business Journal, and on Queen is a 2012 White House Internship alum and has a B.A. and an M.A. in Communications from LaSalle University in Philadelphia, Pa. Find her on Twitter:

One thought on “Living in Black and White on Twitter: Why #AliveWhileBlack is Much More Important than #CrimingWhileWhite

  1. You raise excellent points about #CrimingWhileWhite. It’s pretty much become self-congratulatory at this point. #AliveWhileBlack gets the message across much more powerfully.


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