For women who have been aggressively sold the idea that they are not enough

by Jendella Benson  Why did Brad and Angelina break up? Does anyone know or are we still grasping in the dark to make sense of this travesty? But why did we think they would never break up? Celebrities divorce all the time, so what makes this instance so disappointing? A sentiment I saw repeated and… Read More

The Top 10 Films of 2014

by Micah Yongo Two hours of sitting still, often in dark eerie spaces, locked in cobbled communion with a group of fellow strangers by a shared commitment to stare at eighty square feet of lit canvas. We’ve come a long way from tales told round the campfire. Still, what remains the same is how those tales… Read More

If there is one continent which has shouldered the burden of the celebrity it is ‘Africa’.

by Samira Sawlani In recent weeks Israel – Palestine has probably taken up more column inches worldwide than it has in years. In fact the ‘conflict’ has enjoyed a showbiz makeover, gaining a place in every Hollywood rag and becoming a topic of conversation on daytime talk shows. It’s entry and new found status is… Read More