Does America really love Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.?

Every year, on Martin Luther King day, quotes from the “I Have A Dream” speech are shared and seemingly everyone mourns the civil rights leader. Like many, LeRon Barton asks – does America really love them man himself, or just a carefully edited and sanitised idea? Between the months of January and April, there are endless… Read More

The Taming of the Shrewd

…or the incessant need for *PWIs to make black icons “safer”   by Joseph Guthrie Throughout my lifetime, there are three things that have continued to remain a permanent mainstay in society: Politicians are the masters of manipulation. It’s always darkest before dawn. When an iconic black activist dies, mainstream media rush in to distort said… Read More

The Colourblind Doctrine

A new ideology has reared its head in our “post racial” century and we have labelled it colour blind. The doctrine rests on the idea that we no longer see colour, just people. We no longer “see” race but may choose to characterise a person by their gender, perhaps even the colour of their hair or eyes but never race. The doctrine’s appeal is that it supposedly counteracts racism. I would contest that opinion. If colourblindness developed out of the desire to be more politically correct then I would say we have in fact become the complete opposite. If colour blindness developed out of a desire to suppress racism then I would say it does nothing but fuel it. Read More