100 Great Black Britons relaunches for 2017

On the 30th anniversary of Black History Month, Patrick Vernon talks about why he’s relaunching the campaign and explains how to nominate Read More

A Human Zoo For The ‘Post Racial’ 21st Century

Brett Bailey and the new white supremacy by Simon Woolley I guess it’s one way to get international fame, lauded by liberals, and thanked by Black actors for getting some miserly short term employment. But in the real world for the vast majority of Black Britons, and other Africans on main land Europe -where this… Read More

No Alibis – Educating children about racism

by Margarita Aragon This past October I sat in the assembly room of my children’s primary school for the Year 1 presentation for parents. After a group of children in animal masks told us about their visit to the farm, and a few songs, another group of children came to the forefront of the stage to… Read More