Why the #BernieorBust movement is failing Americans of colour

by Abdullah Shihipar  This past Feburary, I was having dinner with my brother and some of his friends in Boston. As we were waiting for our food and making conversation, the topic soon turned to the ongoing presidential elections. The New Hampshire primary had just concluded and Donald Trump had resoundingly defeated his opponents. Amongst those… Read More

Ain’t no black in the UKIP pack?

Now we know for sure. After their stunning, and literally historic victory in the Clacton by-election and unexpected success in the North West on the same day, there is now electoral ‘proof’ – if any were still needed – that UKIP are likely to have a significant impact on the outcome of the general election in May 2015.

So what does this mean for minority ethnic communities in Britain, as the political centre of gravity drifts to the right? Read More