“I Have My Anger Back” | Jendella Benson

To My Son by Jendella Benson  What is there to be said? I can only feel anger for so long until it ferments into the cold reality of endless despair. In the echo chambers of our social media spheres we are all shouting, all screaming, all crying the same thing. The hopelessness of such a… Read More

My Middle East: ‘We should go out there and represent ourselves’

by Noor Alnaqeeb ‘Kuwait is still at war, right?’ This is something I hear all the time and is a prime example of how things in the Middle East are grouped together under damaging labels, leaving the entire region with one single story. Challenging the stereotypes around where I am from is a constant battle… Read More

Whitewashing a Reputation

by Shane Thomas CONTENT NOTE: Some of the embedded links in this piece are NSFW. “This is the first time in the history of the world where white men have to watch their tongue.” – Chris Rock – Kill The Messenger. That quote was from Chris Rock’s most recent stand-up special in 2008. And it’s… Read More

What can the gaming community do to reduce bigotry against LGBT gamers?

by Sangfroid Fussell  DOMA is dead. And good riddance. But the cause of death wasn’t a spontaneous, nationwide chanting of kumbayah. It was a hard fought, computer mediated battle to re-humanize the LGBTQ community. Propelled by viral activism, supporters and allies pushed back against the marginalization of the LGBTQ identity as threatening, deviant, and irrelevant to the… Read More

#Hashtagging Third World Problems

#FirstWorldProblems #WhiteGirlProblems #MiddleclassProblems – we see you says @WritersofColour max read@max_read #WhitePeopleActivities ‘self-deprecating’ hashtags that ultimately cast white people as the sole occupants of a literate upper middle class Teju Cole@tejucole I don’t like this expression “First World problems.” It is false and it is condescending. Teju Cole@tejucole Yes, Nigerians struggle with floods or infant… Read More