What can the gaming community do to reduce bigotry against LGBT gamers?

by Sangfroid Fussell  DOMA is dead. And good riddance. But the cause of death wasn’t a spontaneous, nationwide chanting of kumbayah. It was a hard fought, computer mediated battle to re-humanize the LGBTQ community. Propelled by viral activism, supporters and allies pushed back against the marginalization of the LGBTQ identity as threatening, deviant, and irrelevant to the… Read More

The Dark Hero – Gaming and the blackface

by Haseeb Azad Recently, Kotaku published an article by Evan Narcisse titled ‘Come On, Video Games, Let’s See Some Black People I’m Not Embarrassed By’ 1. The article itself was very well-written, highlighting the lack of black and coloured protagonists in video games (as well as films), but what struck me were the the user/viewer… Read More