Race + Journalism

New Data Shows Lack of Diversity in American and British Newspapers by Arturo R. García @Racialicious Last week saw two developments underscoring the lack of advancement for journalists of color in the print world — and on two continents, even. In the U.S., as The Atlantic reported, the American Society of News Editors’ (ASNE) latest… Read More

#Hashtagging Third World Problems

#FirstWorldProblems #WhiteGirlProblems #MiddleclassProblems – we see you says @WritersofColour max read@max_read #WhitePeopleActivities ‘self-deprecating’ hashtags that ultimately cast white people as the sole occupants of a literate upper middle class Teju Cole@tejucole I don’t like this expression “First World problems.” It is false and it is condescending. Teju Cole@tejucole Yes, Nigerians struggle with floods or infant… Read More

Sport and Objectification

What Does Physical Attractiveness Have To Do With Sport? by Joy Goh-Mah Picture the following scenes. It’s November 2012, and President Obama has just won the US election. Amid the celebrations, keyboard warriors take to social media to comment, “Obama? President? What a joke, he can’t tap dance at all.” Or perhaps a group of… Read More


Guest post by Dan Davies So a while ago on Twitter, I saw this storify by @honestlyAbroad, talking about ethnic minority representation in the British media, in the context of this article by Joseph Harker in the British Journalism Review. As I am a notorious stats pedant and practically compulsive mansplainer, my initial reaction was… Read More