America may be ‘Trumped’, but Britain has its demons too

by Maya Goodfellow Republican candidate Donald Trump was a figure of ridicule until he spouted yet another racist view earlier this week. We need a “complete and total shutdown of Muslims entering the United States”, he declared in the wake of an attack in California, where a Muslim couple – claiming to support ISIS –… Read More

“I don’t want a label, I am not ashamed. I was attacked.”

by Amna Iqbal The difference between noise and sound; the former numbs your senses and the latter makes you listen. ‘Rape’ – The word is noise. Cloaked in the din of a media screaming match, the word has been stripped off the anguish, the trauma, the physical and mental scars that it engenders. And here lies… Read More

Are you down for brown?

by Farzana Rahman As a dark-complexioned, brown, South Asian Muslim woman, at any one point in my prolific dating career, I’ve had to deal with iterations of the following conversation: (Where X denotes men I have dated, and Y = me). X: “I didn’t think you would talk to me!” Y: “Why?” X: “Cos you’re… Read More

Don’t Call Me B.M.E!

Luis Suarez, Halle Berry, Zoe Saldana, Tiger Woods, & racial identity. by Lee Pinkerton and Samantha Asumadu In January 2012 Liverpool player Luis Suarez was given a £40,000 fine for calling Man United player Patrice Evra ‘a negrito’.  Suarez claimed that he meant no offence by it, since in his country ‘negrito’ is a term of affection. … Read More

Race + Journalism

New Data Shows Lack of Diversity in American and British Newspapers by Arturo R. García @Racialicious Last week saw two developments underscoring the lack of advancement for journalists of color in the print world — and on two continents, even. In the U.S., as The Atlantic reported, the American Society of News Editors’ (ASNE) latest… Read More


Guest post by Dan Davies So a while ago on Twitter, I saw this storify by @honestlyAbroad, talking about ethnic minority representation in the British media, in the context of this article by Joseph Harker in the British Journalism Review. As I am a notorious stats pedant and practically compulsive mansplainer, my initial reaction was… Read More