Language Matters: Doubling Down on Anti-immigrant Rhetoric

by Kiri Kankhwende The government’s contentious “Go Home” van is off the streets for now, but Immigration Minister Mark Harper still saw fit to double down on his support for the initiative in a parliamentary debate on Wednesday after Pete Wishart SNP asked him to guarantee that “he will not bring these xenophobic “go home”… Read More

#UKBA Papers please

by Yasin Bangee It’s difficult to put into words the confusion and second guessing the last week has caused me. I’m normally sure of myself, of my environment and I know how to look out for my own interests. Not to say I’m selfish, but in a capitalistic regime which champions “every man for himself”,… Read More

#RacistVan, occupied media

‘This Week in Islamophobia’ by Yasin Bangee Fraser Nelson of the Spectator kicked off this week’s Islamophobia by publishing a fascist apologist piece: A fascist takeover of Greece? We should be so lucky. Despite many accounts of Golden Dawn’s racism, homophobia and sexism, Taki Theodoracopulos has the temerity to say, “No, Golden Dawn is not house-trained, and… Read More